Employability skills
Employability skills are transferable skills which are needed by an individual to make him/her capable of being employed. Employers often have specific standards against which they measure if an applicant is employable or not. To compete effectively in the job market, you need to have what it takes i.e. knowledge, skill, training, right attitude and assets which a prospective employer would find attractive. Top Employability Skills 1. Effective communication: Communication is a two way thing; it involves both speaking and listening. Employers want to know that you are not just good at written and oral communication but you are also good at listening and understanding information. They want to know that you can express yourself and your opinions fluently. In addition, the ability to listen to others and act upon instructions correctly is an employability skill that is much sought after. 2. Working well under pressure: Employers want their employees to be capable of handling stressful situations that may show up in the workplace. From time to time things do not go according to plan in the work place; being able to handle such situations without breaking down is an admirable skill which employers desire in their employees. An employee, who is able to meet deadlines despite the pressures that might occur at work, is considered an asset. 3. Being a team player: A good employee is able to work confidently with other people on the team irrespective of their backgrounds. Everyone in a team has a different role to play based on their strengths therefore a good team player is vital for the completion of an organisation’s tasks. Having the best interest of your team at heart and working together to achieve it is a great employability skill. 4. Strong personal drive and motivation: The strong desire to succeed and do well at your job is something that employers appreciate in their work force. A good employee does not wait to be told to do things; this employee can use his /her initiative to decide when to take appropriate action. He/She is determined to get things done and to make things happen constantly looking for better ways of doing things in the interest of the organisation. This employee would have no difficulty meeting deadlines and is regarded as an asset by employers. This is a very useful employability skill. 5. Interpersonal skills: An employee who is able to work well with colleagues and who has soft job skills; someone who recognises & respects different perspectives is the kind employers want to have. The employee who has good interpersonal skills is open to ideas and the views of others; He/she is not rude and condescending but is confident in his/her own skin and fits well into the culture of that organisation. 6. Problems solving skills: The ability to get information adequately and use that information to systematically solve problems is another useful skill to have 7. Decision making & Taking initiative: Employers also want their employee to be able to identify opportunities within the work place, provide tangible ideas and solutions that will affect the organisation positively. Nuggets 1. To be regarded as employable, you must be seen as someone who will add value to the organisation. 2. The right knowledge, skill, training, and attitude will make a prospective employer find you employable. For more information on this topic please check out my books: Career Nuggets: Undeniable Secrets for Career Success Career Nuggets: Bitesize Tips for Your Career Progression You can also watch me on Career Nuggets my Flagship Career program on OHTV SKY 199 www.careernuggets.tv https://www.nuggetmarket.com
Turning Your Career Dream Into Reality – (Master Classes) Date:Thur 26 – SEP 2016 -Price: £24:99
PRACTICAL CLASSES ON HOW : – To excel in the market place – To Obtain The career of Your dreams – To Set Realistic career goal – To effectively Plan Your career also there will be a Separate session on how to network effectively Thursday 29th September Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm venue: HOLIDAY INN LONDON STRATFORD CITY WHEN Thursday, 26 May 2016 from 18:30 to 20:30 (BST) – Add to Calendar WHERE Holiday Inn London – Stratford City – 10a Chestnut Plaza, Westfield E20 1GL, United Kingdom – View Map BUY TICKETS
For inspiring Professionals Who want to move to the next level A Black tie Networking event INCLUDING 4 COURSE MEAL Inspirational Speaches Fun Games and Dancing Networking Oppotunities Raffle Draw Buy Your Ticket for The Chritsmasball Powered by Eventbrite [landing_block type=”newsletter”]
How To Rise Above All Odds
A renowned IT Consultant, Mr. Wale Oyebanjo was the guest speaker last week on career nuggets episode hosted by Morenike Ajayi on OHTV, Sky Channel 199. Mr Oyebanjo who gave several nuggets out on the programme opined that, having a mental attitude is a key critical factor in order to rise above all odds. He added that, from his personal experience, being made redundant is not the end of the world. “When asked how he dealt with the situation when he was made redundant, he said, “I felt dumped, used, and pursued a business that didn’t really take off while I was unemployed for about 20 Months”He advised viewers that, whoever finds himself in such situations should seek support network, maintain right mental attitude, and find a great mentor amongst several nuggets which were offered. ‘No matter what you go through as odds in life, you have the ability to turn things around as setbacks can be turned into great opportunities.”He Concluded that, in life, happiness is designed and not assigned. Career Nuggets is a weekly episode TV Programme anchored by Morenike Ajayi designed to educate and inspire. For Further details, visit https://www.careernuggets.tv I info@careernuggets.co.uk Join us every Tuesday for another new Episode at 7;30pm
Newsletter – January 2016
Designed to Inspire & Educate An opportunity to transform your career Season greetings to you and yours. I must say that the Year 2015 has been a fulfilling year for me, to which I am truly grateful to God. Career nuggets TV launched in March 2015 and is currently airing three times a week – Tuesday 7:30pm, Friday and Saturday at 6:30pm. Our first ever career nuggets event took place on 5th December 2015, where we had over 200 attendees. It took the format of a panel discussion with a very interactive audience covering two topics – “How to be a desirable product”, here one of the nuggets given amongst many was knowing your ‘Unique Selling Point’ – USP, while the second panel discussion was “Unconscious bias – managing our biases”. For this topic, we watched the following YouTube clip below and our discussion was around having the right mindset, so one is not at a disadvantage in the area of ones career. I will be expanding more on these two topics in my future communication to you. In the meantime, here are four career nuggets for your career advancement as you prepare this year 2016… 1. Have a dream board – Here, you need to write down your goal or dream and place it somewhere visible to you on a daily basis. Mine is in my bathroom. 2. Get an accountability partner or mentor, who will hold you accountable to your goal or dream. This person should be someone you trust, look up to and has a clear understanding of where you are heading in terms of your career. Preferably, someone who has already walked a similar path to the one you are embarking on. 3. Continuous development – Don’t stop learning; List books, seminars and conferences you plan to read/ attend in 2016, to expand your knowledge base and stand out in the market place 4. Grow and prune your network – Remember, your network is your net worth. It’s important that you surround yourself with the right people. Also, not everyone around you will be moving at the same pace as you and sometimes this is where pruning might have to come in. Finally, Stay focused, Keep yourself relevant and Dream big. Wishing a Fruitful new year. [landing_block type=”newsletter”] Note: Key dates for 2016 Junior Career Nuggets Summit – June 2016, exact date to be confirmed Career Nugget Christmas Special – 26 November 2016 Kind regards, Morenike [landing_block type=”pricing_table”]
Pictures from the Christmas Special Career Nuggets Event 2015